助理教授,韩国成均馆大学, 2017-2020
1. Cheng, J. & Wang, J. 2024. Influencer-product attractiveness transference in interactive fashion marketing: The moderated moderating effect of speciesism against AI. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. Ahead of print. DOI: 10.1108/JRIM-06-2024-0299. (SSCI, JCR1区)
2. Cheng, J. & Huang, Z. 2024. The effects of fair information practices on ad effectiveness among Chinese consumers: Trust transfer across contexts. Behaviour & Information Technology. Ahead of print. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2024.2333928. (SSCI, JCR2区)
3. Cheng, J., Huang, Y. & Chen, B. 2024. Are we becoming more ethical consumers during the global pandemic? The moderating role of negotiable fate across cultures. Journal of Business Ethics. 191(4): 757-776. (FT50, 中科院Top, SSCI, JCR1区)
4. van Ewijk, A.R., Cheng, J. & Chang, F. 2023. Why is changing students' entrepreneurial intentions so hard? On dissonance reduction and the self-imposed self-fulfilling prophecy. The International Journal of Management Education. 21(3): 100896. (SSCI, JCR1区)
5. Cheng, J., Chen, B. & Huang, Z. 2023. Collective-based ad transparency in targeted hotel advertising: Consumers’ regulatory focus underlying the crowd safety effect. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 72: 103257. (中科院Top, SSCI, JCR1区)
6. Huang, Y., Cheng, J. & Chu, R. 2020. Resilience and well-being production among vulnerable consumers facing systematic constraints. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 54(4): 1328-1354. (SSCI, JCR2区)
7. Cheng, J. 2020. Bidirectional relationship progression in buyer-seller negotiations: Evidence from South Korea. Group Decision and Negotiation. 29(2): 293-320. (SSCI, JCR1区)
8. Cheng, J. & Su, Y. 2020. Exploring mechanisms of outstanding business leadership facing transitioning environment: A life-narrative perspective. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 41(3): 415-430. (SSCI, JCR2区)
9. Cheng, J. 2019. Dynamic relationality toward congruence: A symbiotic solution to cross-cultural negotiations. International Journal of Conflict Management. 30(5), 657-679. (SSCI, JCR1区)
10. Huang, Y., Chu, R. & Cheng, J. 2019.Exploring life satisfaction among subsistence migrant consumers: A case in China. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 38(1), 96-109. (SSCI, JCR1区)
11. Cheng, J., Huang, Y. & Su, Y. 2018. Culturally varied relationality in negotiations: A multi-session simulation.International Journal of Conflict Management. 29(1), 47-69. (SSCI, JCR1区)
12. Cheng, J., Huang, Y. & Su, Y. 2017. Relationality in negotiations: A systematic review and propositions for future research. International Journal of Conflict Management. 28(3), 295-321. (SSCI, JCR1区)
13. Cheng, J., Wu, Z. and Su, Y. 2015. From relationality, behavioural dynamics to dynamic relationality: A new perspective on cross-cultural negotiations. In A. A. Camillo (Ed.), Vol. I., ISBN 9781137429582. Global Enterprise Management: A New Perspective on Challenges and Future Development (pp.171-188). NY, NY: Palgrave McMillan.
14. 程骏骏,苏勇,王妤扬. 能力匹配、可雇佣性和离职倾向:工作满意度的中介作用[J]. 当代财经. 2015, (2): 66-75. (CSSCI)
15. 王妤扬,苏勇,程骏骏. 员工创造力与绩效结果和情感结果的关系[J]. 技术经济. 2015, 34(5): 41-47. (北大核心,CSSCI扩展版)
16. 程骏骏,苏勇,王妤扬,贾西子. 可雇佣性、工作满意度和离职倾向:基于中国情境的研究[J].管理世界(增刊). 2014, 332-337. (CSSCI)
17. 王妤扬,苏勇,程骏骏. 集体心理所有权研究前沿探讨[J]. 现代管理科学. 2014, (11): 33-35. (北大核心)
18. 王妤扬,苏勇,程骏骏. 创意人才胜任力模型构建研究—以传媒创意产业为例[J]. 管理现代化. 2014, (6): 78-86. (北大核心,CSSCI扩展版)
19. 苏勇,程骏骏,吴展. 合作式谈判研究述评与展望[J]. 外国经济与管理. 2014, 36(3): 65-73. (CSSCI)
20. 程骏骏,苏勇,吴展. 国际商务谈判中的关系行为调适过程研究[J]. 亚太经济. 2014, (1): 46-52. (CSSCI)
21. 程骏骏,文化差异视角下商务谈判合作机制研究[J]. 江西社会科学,2013, 6: 224 - 228. (CSSCI)
澳大利亚麦考瑞大学国际卓越研究奖学金 (International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship, iMQRES),2014-2016